How can I obtain the Metaverse RTHRO bundles?

Futuristic FROG
10 Min Read
Roblox avatar store

The typical block-sized avatars used in Roblox are well-known. The recognizable avatar of the gaming platform has seen numerous changes over the years.
More sophisticated designs replaced the recognizable yellow avatar in the metaverse. Players are completely free to change any aspect of their avatars, including their clothing choices. The modeling studio on the site also offers these variations.

Roblox has followed up to the world of creating futuristic models by giving its users access to more sophisticated avatar versions. Rthro, originally known as Anthro, are avatars with traits that resemble those of humans. These models are very connected to the modern digital age and have an advanced biomechanical rig. In the metaverse, users can obtain eight free Rthro avatar bundles.

While everyone is just just starting to adopt the Rthro look, I have created a new Rthro masc outfit to go with my current Maggy Rthro outfit. #rthro #roblox

To purchase the avatar bundles, you click the “Get” button on the Roblox avatar store.

There are eight different avatar packs available:

  1. Kayden
  2. Glenn
  3. Devin
  4. Charlie
  5. Parker
  6. Peyton
  7. Cameron
  8. Riley

The official description for each of these bundles is the same and is as follows:

“The newest Roblox family member!”

What parts make up these bundles?

Kayden Bundle

The Cameron, Devin, and Parker Roblox avatars all have dark tones, as does Kayden’s.

The Roblox bundle consists of:

  • Costume – Kayden Head
  • Costume – Kayden
  • Left Arm – Anime Female – Left Arm
  • Left Leg  Anime Female – Left Leg
  • Right Arm  Anime Female – Right Arm
  • Right Leg  Anime Female – Right Leg
  • Torso – Anime Female – Torso
  • Head – Anime Female – Head
  • Accessory | Hair – Anime Female – Hair
  • Eyebrow Accessory – Anime Female – Eyebrows
  • Eyelash Accessory – Anime Female – Eyelashes
  • T-Shirts – Kayden – Tank Top
  • Shorts – Kayden – Shorts
  • Animation | Climb – Realistic – Climb
  • Animation | Fall  Realistic – Fall
  • Animation | Idle – Realistic – Idle
  • Animation | Jump – Realistic – Jump
  • Animation | Run – Realistic – Run
  • Animation | Swim – Realistic – Swim
  • Animation | Walk – Realistic – Swim
  • Mood Animation – Anime – Mood

Glenn Bundle

The models Charlie, Peyton, and Riley share many similarities with Glenn’s Roblox avatar. This Roblox avatar has a dark skin tone.

The Roblox bundle consists of:

  • Costume – Glenn Head
  • Costume – Glenn
  • Left Arm – Anime Male – Left Arm
  • Left Leg – Anime Male – Left Leg
  • Right Arm – Anime Male – Right Arm
  • Right Leg – Anime Male – Right Leg
  • Torso – Anime Male – Torso
  • Head – Anime Male – Head
  • Accessory | Hair – Anime Male – Hair
  • Eyebrow Accessory – Anime Male – Eyebrows
  • Eyelash Accessory – Anime Male – Eyelashes
  • T-Shirts – Glenn – Tanktop
  • Shorts – Glenn – Shorts
  • Animation | Climb – Realistic – Climb
  • Animation | Fall – Realistic – Fall
  • Animation | Idle – Realistic – Idle
  • Animation | Jump – Realistic – Jump
  • Animation | Run – Realistic – Run
  • Animation | Swim – Realistic – Swim
  • Animation | Walk – Realistic – Walk
  • Mood Animation – Anime – Mood

Devin Bundle

The avatar of Devin Roblox has dark skin and is dressed in white-themed clothes.

The Roblox bundle consists of:

  • Costume – Devin Head
  • Costume – Devin
  • Left Arm – Anime Female – Left Arm
  • Left Leg  Anime Female – Left Leg
  • Right Arm  Anime Female – Right Arm
  • Right Leg  Anime Female – Right Leg
  • Torso – Anime Female – Torso
  • Head – Anime Female – Head
  • Accessory | Hair – Anime Female – Hair
  • Eyebrow Accessory – Anime Female – Eyebrows
  • Eyelash Accessory – Anime Female – Eyelashes
  • T-Shirts – Devin – Tank Top
  • Shorts – Devin – Shorts – White
  • Animation | Climb – Realistic – Climb
  • Animation | Fall  Realistic – Fall
  • Animation | Idle – Realistic – Idle
  • Animation | Jump – Realistic – Jump
  • Animation | Run – Realistic – Run
  • Animation | Swim – Realistic – Swim
  • Animation | Walk – Realistic – Swim
  • Mood Animation – Anime – Mood

Charlie Bundle

Devin’s model has a parallel in Charlie’s avatar.

The Roblox Bundle consists of:

  • Costume – Charlie Head
  • Costume – Charlie
  • Left Arm – Anime Male – Left Arm
  • Left Leg – Anime Male – Left Leg
  • Right Arm – Anime Male – Right Arm
  • Right Leg – Anime Male – Right Leg
  • Torso – Anime Male – Torso
  • Head – Anime Male – Head
  • Accessory | Hair – Anime Male – Hair
  • Eyebrow Accessory – Anime Male – Eyebrows
  • Eyelash Accessory – Anime Male – Eyelashes
  • T-Shirts – Charlie – Tanktop
  • Shorts – Charlie – Shorts White
  • Animation | Climb – Realistic – Climb
  • Animation | Fall – Realistic – Fall
  • Animation | Idle – Realistic – Idle
  • Animation | Jump – Realistic – Jump
  • Animation | Run – Realistic – Run
  • Animation | Swim – Realistic – Swim
  • Animation | Walk – Realistic – Walk
  • Mood Animation – Anime – Mood

Parker Bundle

The model for Parker has white skin and is dressed in crimson.

The Roblox Bundle consists of:

  • Costume – Parker Head
  • Costume – Parker
  • Left Arm – Anime Female – Left Arm
  • Left Leg  Anime Female – Left Leg
  • Right Arm  Anime Female – Right Arm
  • Right Leg  Anime Female – Right Leg
  • Torso – Anime Female – Torso
  • Head – Anime Female – Head
  • Accessory | Hair – Anime Female – Hair
  • Eyebrow Accessory – Anime Female – Eyebrows
  • Eyelash Accessory – Anime Female – Eyelashes
  • T-Shirts – Parker – Tank Top
  • Shorts – Parker – Shorts – White
  • Animation | Climb – Realistic – Climb
  • Animation | Fall  Realistic – Fall
  • Animation | Idle – Realistic – Idle
  • Animation | Jump – Realistic – Jump
  • Animation | Run – Realistic – Run
  • Animation | Swim – Realistic – Swim
  • Animation | Walk – Realistic – Swim
  • Mood Animation – Anime – Mood

Peyton Bundle

Parker’s model and Peyton’s avatar are identical.

The Roblox Bundle consists of:

  • Costume – Peyton Head
  • Costume – Peyton
  • Left Arm – Anime Male – Left Arm
  • Left Leg – Anime Male – Left Leg
  • Right Arm – Anime Male – Right Arm
  • Right Leg – Anime Male – Right Leg
  • Torso – Anime Male – Torso
  • Head – Anime Male – Head
  • Accessory | Hair – Anime Male – Hair
  • Eyebrow Accessory – Anime Male – Eyebrows
  • Eyelash Accessory – Anime Male – Eyelashes
  • T-Shirts – Peyton – Tanktop
  • Shorts – Peyton – Shorts White
  • Animation | Climb – Realistic – Climb
  • Animation | Fall – Realistic – Fall
  • Animation | Idle – Realistic – Idle
  • Animation | Jump – Realistic – Jump
  • Animation | Run – Realistic – Run
  • Animation | Swim – Realistic – Swim
  • Animation | Walk – Realistic – Walk
  • Mood Animation – Anime – Mood

Cameron Bundle

The avatar of Cameron has a medium skin tone and is dressed in blue-themed clothing.

The Roblox Bundle consists of:

  • Costume – Cameron Head
  • Costume – Cameron
  • Left Arm – Anime Female – Left Arm
  • Left Leg  Anime Female – Left Leg
  • Right Arm  Anime Female – Right Arm
  • Right Leg  Anime Female – Right Leg
  • Torso – Anime Female – Torso
  • Head – Anime Female – Head
  • Accessory | Hair – Anime Female – Hair
  • Eyebrow Accessory – Anime Female – Eyebrows
  • Eyelash Accessory – Anime Female – Eyelashes
  • T-Shirts – Cameron – Tank Top
  • Shorts – Cameron – Shorts – White
  • Animation | Climb – Realistic – Climb
  • Animation | Fall  Realistic – Fall
  • Animation | Idle – Realistic – Idle
  • Animation | Jump – Realistic – Jump
  • Animation | Run – Realistic – Run
  • Animation | Swim – Realistic – Swim
  • Animation | Walk – Realistic – Swim
  • Mood Animation – Anime – Mood

Riley Bundle

The polar opposite of Cameron’s model is Riley’s avatar.

The Roblox Bundle consists of:

  • Costume – Riley Head
  • Costume – Riley
  • Left Arm – Anime Male – Left Arm
  • Left Leg – Anime Male – Left Leg
  • Right Arm – Anime Male – Right Arm
  • Right Leg – Anime Male – Right Leg
  • Torso – Anime Male – Torso
  • Head – Anime Male – Head
  • Accessory | Hair – Anime Male – Hair
  • Eyebrow Accessory – Anime Male – Eyebrows
  • Eyelash Accessory – Anime Male – Eyelashes
  • T-Shirts – Riley – Tanktop
  • Shorts – Riley – Shorts White
  • Animation | Climb – Realistic – Climb
  • Animation | Fall – Realistic – Fall
  • Animation | Idle – Realistic – Idle
  • Animation | Jump – Realistic – Jump
  • Animation | Run – Realistic – Run
  • Animation | Swim – Realistic – Swim
  • Animation | Walk – Realistic – Walk
  • Mood Animation – Anime – Mood

Note: Readers are advised to download the aforementioned bundles as soon as they can because they might no longer be available in a few days.

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