How wearable technology might negative transform on human lives.

Futuristic FROG
6 Min Read

Wearable technology has transformed from being negligible to being widespread in just some few short years. Wearables have the ability to alter our society and our lives in either a positive or negative way as a result of their recent surge in popularity. It’s hard to predict whatever effect they will now have as they are so new, but we can make assumptions based on what we now know about them.

Will they aid in enhancing our health?

Numerous wearables enable you to monitor your aerobic workouts and store data for later viewing. We may use this as a valuable tool to create both short-term and long-term objectives and track our progress in achieving them. Wearables can also be an encouragement and motivator by giving actual notifications on our activities, such as prompts to stand or walk.

When Thinking about Health, You may Think about Healthy food and Smart Wearables…

However, there is no assurance that individuals will continue to use wearables in the future. Initially, they are rather unique and interesting, but a survey has revealed that about 30% of people just stopped using them as they can’t notice them beneficial or just became bored with them.

In addition, a lot of wearables come with built-in heart rate monitors that show you, your heart rate in real time. It’s crucial to remember that even though there have been instances in which this function has saved lives, they are not physical procedures and cannot be used to determine or treat major health issues. Numerous devices have been shown to estimate heart rates erroneously, particularly when exercising.

The Future of wearable technologyOver the past few years, smartwatches, fitness trackers, and VR/AR headsets have proliferated in our culture. 

The Confidentiality of Your Data

Many wearables have scant or no prevention systems in place to protect their data. Malicious hackers can readily access this data considering that it is largely unencrypted and most of these gadgets use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity to transmit it.

It’s critical to take into account how this information is converted into big data for collection and usage by governments and companies. This suggests that their tracked information may be utilised for promotional or therapeutic purposes, regardless you like it or not. There are useful applications for this data, but like with all large datasets, there is a potential it might also be exploited.

The majority of wearable data now available isn’t significant enough yet for attackers to seek. However, as smartwatches and their capacities advance, they can gain more significance as targets.

What does the future hold for wearables?

Many industries are creating novel and cutting-edge forms of wearable technology, particularly the health care sector, which is attempting to expand beyond fitness apps to produce health care trackers. These could be used to keep tabs on critical symptoms such as hypertension or blood glucose levels for diabetics. Even equipment that measures eyesight function, such as smart hearing aids and glasses, is now becoming offered to both medical practitioners and the general population.

Pet trackers, smart jewellery, and AR/VR headgear are just a few of the other gadgets that are expanding and gaining in popularity. Wearable technology currently has a lot of potential. It will be interesting to observe how things develop over time and where they affect us all, both personally and collectively.

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